Sunday, July 01, 2007

The award for best email ever goes to....

"Dear Aunt Chandle,
I am having a good day. I was having fun with Jed. My mom works at
nights and mornings,not a long night just a little night. I like helping my
mom and Joe work. Sometimes I give Isabella her bottle but it is hard. I
saw StarWars stamps at the post office. I haven't got to go swimming it has
rained alot. I love you and miss you. I got to ride with papa on the big
backhoe. I want to run fast like David.

I swear that kid is growing like a weed. I miss you too, Buster.


Katie said...

That is the sweetest thing ever. It is awesome to be an aunt...

Elizabeth Spann said...

I want to run fast like David too!

Chandle said...

Me too. He's very fast. Remember when he played frisbee and how he sort of looked like a bull in a china closet with that head of curls. He would always run really fast, jump in the air for no reason, catch the frisbee and throw in like he was going to pull his shoulder out of socket. Okay, maybe I'm the only one that noticed because I had a wicked crush on him.