Friday, July 06, 2007

Can I keep them?

A group of children at a CWISH Drop in Center crowded around my computer

Kids and me at the Gatthagar Drop in Center
One of a million precious puppies I see all over Kathmandu

So, I honestly think one day I would like to adopt a child (and a dog) from Nepal. Right now, that is a crazy idea, but one day I might actually do it. Since I can't do that right now, the only thing I can do is help.

If you are interested in helping these kids, it doesn't take a lot of money. I am posting the contact information for CWISH if anyone is interested. They have a child sponsorship program where you can pick a kid and provide them enough money to have a place to stay, food to eat and go to school and that child will write you letters and send you a gift every year (it's approximately 250-300 dollars a year or 20 to 25 dollars a month). It is a way to immediately stop one child from working. You could also give 10 or 20 dollars and make a difference.

If you can't give any money, that's fine. Thanks for reading, awareness is important and now you know. Also, thanks for all the uplifting comments, guys. It makes my day and makes me smile.

CWISH (Children- Women In Social Service and Human Rights)

Gangahiti, Chabahil, KMC-7
Kathmandu, Nepal
P.O. Box: 21433
Phone/Fax: +977-1-4474645, 2061213
Web :


Elizabeth Spann said...

Put that puppy in your suitcase when you come home. Give him a Nepalize name....
I will adopt with you. We'll be like Angelina and Brad!

Chandle said...
