Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What do AmeriCorps and Prison have in common

Well things are going well here. We've all been doing various jobs to keep us busy. Today Amar and I went to help a inkind donation center organize there furniture. We worked all morning and got what we thought, was a lot done. At 1pm 10 inmates from the prison came to help. They knocked out the entire warehouse in 30 minutes. I'm not sure I found too many differences between them and us. They wear uniforms, we wear uniforms, the government pays for thier food housing and transportion, same for us. They had a team leader (sheriff, whatever), and they do a lot of weird work for free. I miss you guys. I hope everyone is having a good winter and Happy Birthday on Thursday Leah and Kat!!!!!!!! P.S. Jerm is in New Orleans and he might come over and see me. IF so, I will have some crazy freakin fun to speak of. What's great is that I"m always telling my team about my crazy friend Jeremy. Here are some pictures to make your day.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

You be the judge.

So people keep telling me I look like Kelly Mcgillis. I just thought I'd ask your opinion. Be advised, I usually only get this when I have not blowdryed or fixed my hair. Hence...scary 80's hair resembling a dish scratcher.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

More Pictures

if a alligator chases you, run in a zig zag

So far this project is wonderful! Yesterday we helped this man with 2 little dogs that wouldn't get out of my lap. We replaced the siding that the flooding from Rita had destroyed. Most of the people here don't have flood insurance and in some places the water was 6 feet high inside the house. A lot of the community is made up of farmers who didn't have a lot of money to spare to begin with. We almost finished the siding, and we should go back soon to finish. Today we finished taking off the roof of Ms. Ena's house. She is 73 and has lived there for 40 years. The house was so beat up by Rita that they need to demolish it, but she just put the roof on 3 years ago and it's in good shape. We took it off so when she rebuilds here house she can still use the old roof. She bought us all hamburgers and had to be one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. There's plenty of work, the people and wonderful, I've met some great volunteers, and I get to hit stuff with a sledgehammer! Apparently we really need to watch for snakes though. A girl from the last team thought she had to power cord to a blender from the cabinet, it turned out to be a water moccassin ( I wish I could see Elizabeth's face right now) So far so good. I'll keep you posted on interesting events and my latest power tool mastering.
P.S. I am the upside down hammering master, and the sun reflects of white, metal rooftops, wear sunscreen
Love, redface

Kat on a hot tin roof

I don't think they usually let us hang eachother off of 2 story houses to unscrew things, but we couldn't reach.

Hello Charlie

Don't I look cool on the roof with my high-power drill?

My team with Ms. Ena

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The rest of the house....

It's so humid my camera lens kept getting fogged up. Behind the barn a little rooster lives who begs for sunflower seeds. How quaint.

Bed situation (scary bunk beds)...(notice how dirty nick's is)

The blue house not to be confused with the Hendrix blue house or the Jimi Hendrix Red house

Proof AmeriCorps makes you ugly

Here's David and me at the blue house in Lafayette. Long distance relationships blow!!!!!!!!!


We made it safe and sound to Louisiana, and we didn't kill each other even though we were in the van for 20 hours. We've had the weekend off, so it's been nice. The library and coffee shop down the road have wireless internet so I can post sometimes. I want to wish Elizabeth a happy birthday, even though she says she's staying 24. You too, Kristen, 'cause you'll admit you're 25. I'm posting some pictures of where we're staying to give you the idea. I must admit, my current living situation is a paradise, compared to my past accommodations. We've been playing a lot of cranium and trivial pursuit. I know.....we're lame.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Who would do that?

So I went to workout at the gym in the Air Force base the other day and I accidentially left my palm pilot. When I went back to get it, it was gone! Someone stole my freakin' palm pilot. Too bad they won't be able to charge it or do anything with it because I have the software. NahNahNah Nah Nah Naaaaah! That's what you get for stealing from me, (and hopefully something heavy falls on your head, that would be good too) I tried to put a little reward poster up, but the guy told me he had to do it, and then he just sat it on the counter. It is gone forever, rest in peace little palm pilot.
My team leaves for Lafayette, LA on Thursday. It's a 25 hour drive with my 11 person team in a 15 passenger van with the back seat out. OUCH. I can't wait to get started though. My internet access will probably be limited but I'll have my phone. Give me a call on the weekends if you want to talk. I've been so busy I haven't had much of a chance to call. I miss you guys. I bought Ashur this cool batman gun as a care package gift, but all I really want to do is come home and play with it with him.
David is on his way to Minnesota right now. Lets all give him a big shout out for living in a shack in the dead of winter with 2 guys in Northern Minnesota. How 'bout that.

How cute am I?

I got a computer with internet for 5 minutes. I had to show you how cute Jed is.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


So the internet is down at good ol' DC Village. I've been trying to post pictures for days, but no luck until now. For 120 people there are 3 computers with internet. I've rigged up a dial-up connection with the 6 months of free AOL that came with my computer, but dial-up is for CAVEMEN! Dial up hates photos, and that's all I've been trying to do. On MLK day we are going to help the homeless at a local school. Haircuts, hyigene, and job skills classes will be offered. They expect 1,000 homeless individuals to attend. I would too, since it's 30 degrees outside with 60 mph winds (I'm not exaggerating). I'm going to an internet cafe on Tuesday, so if this doesn't work. I'll see you then.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Medula Oblongata

I'm a bad bad blogger. I really need to start keeping up with this. My next project is......dadada DA!: Lafayette, Louisiana. My team will be working side by side with families whose houses were severely damaged by the hurricane to de-mud, gut and rebuild them. It’ll be hard work, but I cannot imagine anything that would satisfy me greater. We're supposed to watch for snakes and spiders that might be living in the wet walls and furniture that had to be abandoned. I"m sure I'll come back with some good stories. I had such a blast at Christmas break and it was good to see you. I hope all is well at home. I miss you already. Everyone is busy and getting ready to head out on our next projects. Computers with internet are scarce. We had about 12 but several of them "got sick" and "died". I've just been typing stuff up and then getting a computer for a few minutes to post and connect. I know, riveting stuff.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Following Elizabeth's lead, I decided you needed to know the 4 reason's I love ebaums world.

best dog ever
my favorite, look at the umbrelladeer!
best breakdancer in the world

Knocked 'em dead

I finished my graduate school interview today, and despite the ridiculously qualified people that were accepted last year, I believe I did an excellent job. I looked nice in the suit my mom bought me, I anwered all the questions with passion and intelligence, and I acted like I knew what I was talking about. Hopefully I get into this school. If not, I'll land some sweet federal job and finally be able to afford those allergy shots I've had my eye on!