Friday, January 13, 2006

Medula Oblongata

I'm a bad bad blogger. I really need to start keeping up with this. My next project is......dadada DA!: Lafayette, Louisiana. My team will be working side by side with families whose houses were severely damaged by the hurricane to de-mud, gut and rebuild them. It’ll be hard work, but I cannot imagine anything that would satisfy me greater. We're supposed to watch for snakes and spiders that might be living in the wet walls and furniture that had to be abandoned. I"m sure I'll come back with some good stories. I had such a blast at Christmas break and it was good to see you. I hope all is well at home. I miss you already. Everyone is busy and getting ready to head out on our next projects. Computers with internet are scarce. We had about 12 but several of them "got sick" and "died". I've just been typing stuff up and then getting a computer for a few minutes to post and connect. I know, riveting stuff.


Leah Billings said...

I'm glad you have a project you're looking forward to. Don't get bit by anything!

Unknown said...

it was good to see you while you were home. i'm sure your americorps boots will keep your feeties and ankles safe from teeth.

Anonymous said...

Hey I updated my site just for you.