Friday, January 06, 2006

Knocked 'em dead

I finished my graduate school interview today, and despite the ridiculously qualified people that were accepted last year, I believe I did an excellent job. I looked nice in the suit my mom bought me, I anwered all the questions with passion and intelligence, and I acted like I knew what I was talking about. Hopefully I get into this school. If not, I'll land some sweet federal job and finally be able to afford those allergy shots I've had my eye on!


Elizabeth Spann said...

I knew you'd do well! You should really learn to listen to your ol' pal Elizabeth more often. She really knows what she's talkin' bout. WORD!

Leah Billings said...

Hooray! and congratulations. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

the gloria family said...

ooohhh, i've been dreaming of allergy shots too. congrats!