Sunday, January 15, 2006


So the internet is down at good ol' DC Village. I've been trying to post pictures for days, but no luck until now. For 120 people there are 3 computers with internet. I've rigged up a dial-up connection with the 6 months of free AOL that came with my computer, but dial-up is for CAVEMEN! Dial up hates photos, and that's all I've been trying to do. On MLK day we are going to help the homeless at a local school. Haircuts, hyigene, and job skills classes will be offered. They expect 1,000 homeless individuals to attend. I would too, since it's 30 degrees outside with 60 mph winds (I'm not exaggerating). I'm going to an internet cafe on Tuesday, so if this doesn't work. I'll see you then.


Leah Billings said...

I couldn't survive without hoodies!

Elizabeth Spann said...

Dip, dip, dip.

Elizabeth Spann said...

PS- sweet scarf you got there, lady.