Saturday, July 14, 2007

Junk food strikes again

Hey guys,
Once again I am stuck inside because of a strike. Thursday and Friday it was because a professor at a local university was beaten to death, today it's because the taxi drivers were beaten up by some police. Overall it gets two boos down from me. The strikes never seem to resolve anything, so I'm not sure why they keep happening. I have read every book within reach so I decided to buy an Indian Cosmopolitan. It's the only English magazine they had besides Maxim. I also proceeded to eat junk food to fight off my boredom. Now I have descended into the "get on the internet AGAIN" phase. This phase has already been interrupted by power outages twice, so lets cross our fingers that this is the one. I'm getting antsy and ready to come home. 20 days left. see you soon.


Elizabeth Spann said...

Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez. Well, it gets you on the computer more, where you get to make me laugh inevitably. So that's the up side of strikes. :)

melissa said...

good lord. can't they all just be friends?