Friday, June 22, 2007

123 Baby You and Me

Okay, so Flat Stanley is a great idea for the kids and for the state, but nothing says "crazy" like traveling alone in a foreign country and occasionally taking out a paper doll and shooting pictures of it. I went out on the lake yesterday in a paddle boat for two hours and it was really nice. I decided, hey, this would make a nice flat Stanley picture. I took him out and set him across from me in the boat, got out my camera and took his picture. I heard some commotion and I turned around and saw a large boat full of people laughing and pointing at the crazy American and her paper doll. You know how Michael Jackson supposedly puts mannequins all over his house for company, and reserves seats on airplanes so his monkey or doll can sit with him? That's the kind of crazy I'm thinking these people thought I was.

1 comment:

La said...

omg, chans, you're my hero above all other heroes, and when you're done with Flat Stanely, I might need him over here...