Thursday, June 08, 2006


I had the unfourtunate opportunity to clean the RA kitchen in my hall for weekly cleaning. After a fun game of "find the smell". I discovered that someone decided it was easier to hide you dirty dishes than wash them. I know we live in Anacostia people, but it's not the third world, there is running water and soap. Earlier this year, I was informed that my standards of cleaning might be too high! As a result of careful contemplation and 4 hours of cleaning with bleach, I have resolved to NEVER AGAIN live with a large group of 18-24 year-olds. I know that moving in with David will provide quite the cleanliness challenge, but he can't be as bad as these guys!


Leah Billings said...

Blehh! The smell that old dirty dishes make is the worst. I remember from my dorm room days.

Elizabeth Spann said...

We used to play find the smell all the time!! Ahh the good ol' days!

katandkarl said...

yick. i would have vomitted.