Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Good Grief, Charlie Brown

This week has been marked with angry floral customers, several firetrucks, and a wild goose chase for the owners of Bunk. Lets just says it's only Wednesday, and I'm totally worn out.

A girl called me yesterday and claimed that she had lost Bunk over by our house. She gave me a lot of details and told me that his name was Kirby and gave me her address to bring him back. It turned out her house was really far from ours, but David and I forced Bunk in the car and drove out there. I end up at a house with six kids outside and a lady who is apparently their mother. She starts cussing us out telling us she didn't call about the dog and the kids keep trying to pet him while she keeps screaming "it's a pitbull don't touch it." Finally said girl comes out of the house sheepishly and admits that she lied, she just wanted a dog. Needless to say we ended up taking him home. We called the guy who wants him and are giving Bunk to him on Saturday.

Some leaves caught on fire behind our house Monday night. Rocky noticed it and started barking. The wind must have blew some of the ashes that still had embers in them into the leaves. It rained all day Sunday and we had a cookout on Saturday so I can't believe there were even any embers. It all ended well, but 4 firetrucks showed up at our house.

The craziness of Mother's Day flower ordering has began. I've gotta get back to it.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Spann said...

Eeek, sounds like you've had a weird week! Glad that someone wants to give Bunk a home. That's so strange about the girl that called you! People are nutso. Good luck with the Mother's Day rush!
(And happy early birthday!)