Friday, April 04, 2008

RAZR rest in peace

In a rare bought of genius behavior, I washed my cell phone in my pants pocket. If you would like to get in contact with me, call David. Also, I have a lot of people's numbers, but I also lost a lot of numbers, so if you think I may have lost your phone number, or if I did, I will probably be contacting you on Myspace or Facebook to get your phone number back. It is amazing how not having a cell phone makes me feel completely lost. What time is it? oh right, my cellphone looks back at me with vacant, water filled eyes as if to say, I want to tell you what time it is, but you killed me. Boo. My dad got a new phone and kindly sent me his old phone so I'll be up and running in a couple of days, but for now, use email.

In other news, I totally panicked because I felt like I did so badly on the Praxis practice test that I bought another test, with a score key. The test has 120 questions. In the dry, I'm not stupid so I don't need to study for this test-run, I only got 77 questions right, which is a D. I freaked and started studying non-stop and then freaked again and bought another test. I found out that, even though I only got slightly over half of the questions right on my practice test, I still would have passed with flying colors, so I have nothing to worry about. (except that maybe everyone who passes only has to get half the questions right).

1 comment:

Elizabeth Spann said...

So I guess I don't have David's NEW number.... Since it didn't register when you tried last time. Sorry!
Hope it all works out, my dear.

AND, I hate to say I TOLD YOU SO, but nooooo need to panic on the Praxis!!