Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Recession, obesession, agression

This not real recession is taking it's toll on the flower business. Despite the upcoming "Administrative Professionals Day" things are super slow. This whole gas, food, everything cost too much thing is getting on my nerves. Someone on NPR yesterday was talking about how we used to make things in this country, and now we just make and live off of debt......shiver... I think maybe he's right. To pass the slow work time, I think about American Idol, and how all the boys rocked last night, despite the potential doom of Mariah Carey week; I purchase things online like Nalgene bottles made from HDPE, b/c the other ones leak toxins into your water (I know, I've been drinking out of them, almost exclusively for like years, I had to throw them away and it was sad) and I look at your blogs and wish my office had windows. David's reviews went well, but that has not stopped him from completely obsessing about these ceramic shovels he's been working on. I'm really proud of him; he's been working like a busy bee. I've been eating lots of watermelon and trying to adopt a guinea pig and name him Ignatious. I think Kate Blanchett stole that name from me when she recently had a baby, b/c I've been planning to name my guinea pig that for like a month. Some place in Louisiana recently rescued 23 guinea pigs from euthanasia, so I'm trying to get one of those for my classroom. Some big-to-do artist is speaking at LSU today, but apparently people who have jobs cannot enjoy it because it starts at 5pm, so while David's at the lecture, I'm going to be at work, and then at home, watching some Buffy and kickin back with my doggie dog dogs.


katandkarl said...

i heard that dude on npr. SCARY how much of our economy runs on DEBT/CREDIT industry.

Elizabeth Spann said...

Sniff, I wanna watch Buffy with you. Watch one from season 3 or 4 and think fondly of me.
PS, I realize I pulled just a small bit out of that post to focus on, and it might not have been the most important part, but WHATEVER. I love Buffy.

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