Saturday, May 13, 2006

Yesterday was the last day of the Boys and Girls Club. I'll miss the kindergarteners. We are still working at our respective schools until Thursday. Friday we move up to Baton Rouge to start work for the habitat Blitz build. AmeriCorps is winding down; in two months I'll be headed home. I can't wait to see all of you. David is potentially heading to your neck of the woods in June, and then heading to mine. Horray!


Leah Billings said...

I was just thinking the other day that you would be home soon. Sooo excited. Much celebration will occur, so start preparing yourself!

Elizabeth Spann said...

Cute kids. Glad that you're going to be living in some real accommodations soon. So glad that you're coming home FAIRLY soon. We're on the downward slide, at least!