Tuesday, May 30, 2006

If I had a hammer

So habitat has been fabulous. We are diligently working on 10 homes at one site, and 4 at another. Every day we are blessed with a 10 minute rain that cools everything off and allows everyone to take a much needed break. Yesterday we worked from 7am -7:30pm, but we finished the roof of a house that is getting electric work done today. It's our day off. David is here and currently visiting LSU. I went to Barnes and Noble to buy some politically savvy literature and opted for fiction instead. I'm going to be reading enough of that in the next 18 months. I'll take plenty of pictures of David's visit, for now, here is my impression of a California Raisin:


Leah Billings said...

You are nuts! (In a good way. :) ) Tell David Blue and I say Hi!

Elizabeth Spann said...

Ahhhh glorious rain from the gods. I hope you have perfected "I Heard It Through the Grapevine." I hear that the Clinton school requires it.

katandkarl said...

that's hot.