Tuesday, May 16, 2006


May 17, 2006

Chandle Devor
2 DC Village Lane, SW
Washington, D.C. 20032

Dear Ms. Devor:

I am delighted to report that a seat has opened up in the Fall 2006 class of the Master of Public Service program at the Clinton School of Public Service. Your application was reconsidered and I am happy to offer you this opening if you are still interested in attending the program. In addition, I am pleased to offer you a $10,000 scholarship for the 2006-2007 year. This scholarship is sufficient to cover all tuition and fees for the first two semesters of the program. You are eligible to apply for additional scholarship support, although such funds are available on a needs-only basis.
Please sign and return the enclosed form to accept your place in the program. Should you decide to relinquish a seat in the class, or if we do not hear from you by May 26, 2006, your seat will be offered to another applicant.
Congratulations, Chandle! I have all confidence that this will be one of the pinnacle experiences of your life. Please feel free to contact me or Melissa Hawkins if you have questions about school activities, additional financial aid, housing, or other issues.

Best wishes for the coming year,

Thomas A. Bruce
Associate Dean

This does present a little problem though. I'm supposed to be getting married. David told me to go for it, but it'll be hard. David got into LSU's sculpture program for the Spring. Everything is paid for in both cases, which is amazing. I guess we are pretty much pros at this. I can't imagine doing it any other way, so long distance it is.


Anonymous said...

oh, my gosh, chandle!!!! wow, how great is that - and what a choice - all my best to you - to both of you.

Leah Billings said...

Holy Cannoli!!!! That is A-mazing news. I'm so excited for you. Congrats to David too. I know the distance will be hard, but at least Baton Rouge is closer to LR than Minnesota. Plus, you'll have all of us here in LR to help you get through it. Yea! Chandle (and David)!!!!!

Chandle said...

crazy, huh?

Elizabeth Spann said...

CONGRATS to both of you!! It's going to be absolutely amazing. You guys have gotten good at the distance thing- it will go by quickly. :) Plus, I get to have you a little while longer before you become an old married lady. Hee, hee.

Unknown said...

AWESOME!!! you two rock. i'm really excited for you, and know you'll get that wedding thing planned.

Anonymous said...

congratulations! that's awesome. :)