Sunday, May 14, 2006

Scariest movie EVER

So the apocalypse is really coming. I know I've been saying that awhile and I'm always talking about the Kyoto protocol, and everyone just laughs. "oh that crazy Chandle, she thinks global warming is going to kill us all" Well according to the new documentary "An inconvenient Truth" it is. It's not going to be so much Day-After-Tomorrow-scary as Waterworld-scary, and I know how most of you feel about Kevin Costner at all, more or less with a balding mullet and gills.

If you want to see the trailer click here


Anonymous said...


Very very nice photo....

Leah Billings said...

I love documentaries, and I especially love documentaries that deal with issues that I believe in. When it comes out, I'm there.

Elizabeth Spann said...

Waterworld is the worst movie. Of all time. Uhhh who's Federico?

Chandle said...

I have no idea.