Sunday, May 07, 2006

On the bayou

My parents came down this weekend, and we had a blast. We went on a swamp tour, ate out a lot and hung out in the hotel room. It was way better than a tent! I even got to go wedding dress shopping with Tina and mom as critics. I've never tried on a wedding dress before, and to be honest, it makes you feel gorgeous. Remember that episode of friends where they just wear the wedding dresses around for fun. It really is that fun. So, if you're ever in need of a pick-me-up ladies, you know where the stores are.


Unknown said...

dude, i totally had a nightmare with alligators in it last night. not kidding.
and yeah, wedding dresses are surprisingly fantastic. i think i saw what i would have worn on tv the other day....someday...soon...

Leah Billings said...

Yeah for wedding dresses! It sounds like so much fun.

Elizabeth Spann said...

Unfortunately for me, I would most likely have the opposite reaction like Carrie Bradshaw and break out into a horrible rash. "My body is actually rejecting the idea of marriage!"

Anonymous said...

Why does dad always make that face in pictures? Glad you had a good time with them. Listen to that Mat Mahar and Karate cd a few times before you decide if you like them or not, they kinda have to grow on you. Oh yeah, Katie and I were talking and we decided you need to get Lucero to play at your wedding, it would only be appropriate.... and awesome.

Chandle said...

I don't think they play weddings, but it would be sweet.

Anonymous said...

If they play frat parties they should be willing to play wedding receptions.

Elizabeth Spann said...

I'll talk to him. :) Ha, ha, ha, ha.