Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Hack hack

I try to blog, I really do. We get up at 5:30 every morning but our training last until 10pm. I can't even sleep, so now I have bronchitis. That's right, I'm sick again, surprise surprise. I still have to attend 15 hours of training, but I had 10 minutes so I thought I'd update you. One of these days I'll have some pictures. I'm planning on not going out on Sunday, so look for new stuff then. I have a lot of catching up to do. Love you guys.

P.S. did you know that when geese fly together, if one of them gets sick two fly down to help the goose until it dies or gets well and then they rejoin the flock? Aren't geese sweet!


Leah Billings said...

I love geese. There was this park in Minnesota that was full of them and I would go feed them corn there every fall when I was little!

Elizabeth Spann said...

Wow. I just cannot believe that you are sick. Crazy.
If we were geese, I would fly down and help you if you were sickly. :)

Chandle said...

I would help you too.