Thursday, October 06, 2005


Well, I don't have much time to post anymore, because I'm scheduled from 6am-9pm or later I feel like everyday. We are all going camping tomorrow and Saturday, so I can't write much. I’m also using my 45 min lunch break to type right now. I guess I'll eat cereal.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I’m really happy here. Sitting in meetings everyday has made me realize that I have finally found what I've been looking for. Everyone knows me as a devout cynic, constantly pointing out the negative in things, because I've become so jaded. Everyday, I'm surrounded by a multitude of individuals who believe in the human condition, striving to make the world a better place. When you are doing this on your own, like I was at the Center, you get discouraged. Sometimes it feels like you are the only person who cares. I’m almost moved to tears at the prospect and relief of the service we will be doing this year. When we all come together I am so inspired. There are 117 people who have taken a chance to help someone. We will each complete and exceed 1700 hours of service work. Americorps NCCC class XII will complete over 821,000 hours of work this year alone. I feel the cynic in me disappearing and a new, encouraged, positive person coming out. I know this sounds so ridiculous, cliché and cheesy, but I mean it. I feel like I started out wanting to help, and had almost completely given up on the idea. I know now that when I am done with this program, I will be a better person for it, and the world (I know, it's silly) will be a better place because of it. I just had to get that out. I'd also like to give a shout out to Bill Clinton for making this program work. NCCC wasn't actually started until 1994 thanks to our native Arkansan. Sorry to be so serious, but I'm really glad I chose to go through with this. Thanks to David for encouraging me to apply as well. I miss you guys and hope all is well. OH yeah, I’m an RA now. Pretty funny, I realized that there is no way around me being the 24 year-old that encourages everyone to do there part, so I might as well wear the uniform. I promise I’m not some brainwashed crazy; it’s just love at first sight.


Elizabeth Spann said...

That's awesome, Chandle. Good to hear from you!

Leah Billings said...

I'm so excited for you. It's wonderful that you've found something that is fulfilling. I think that's one of the major hurdle's for people our age. Yea Chandle!

katandkarl said...

i am happy for you! that really does rock.... =)


Anonymous said...

enjoyed you picture of Cody. Shari

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that things are good. We miss you in Conway. Be careful and have fun.

Unknown said...

horray! you've regained your idealism. i just read an article called "Gandhian Principles in Social Work Practice: Ethics Revisited", and it totally reminded me that i'm in this for a reason (not that i've completely forgotten). man, they should really teach Gandhi in school or something. he really got it...`