Sunday, October 02, 2005

Goodbye, AR

Elizabeth, Virginia, and Christy came to visit me this weekend. It was Bikes, blues and BBQ in Fayetteville and everything was crazy. 300,000 people came into town!!!! The next night my mom threw me a going away party with yummy mexican food, and we all went to see Meagan Paige's house in Lincoln. I have a few pictures. I'd like to write more, but I have to pack my whole life into 2 suitcases.


Leah Billings said...

Stay safe while you're away and enjoy every minute (okay, maybe not the running)! Keep us updated as often as you can. Tons of love to you!!

Elizabeth Spann said...

That picture of you with the dog picture is really funny. You look crazy. I had a great time, Chandle! Your parents are freaking awesome. Love you lots!!