Friday, May 23, 2008

That's right, I'm smart.

I got my Praxis scores today.....190 out of 200! When the telephone said my scores to the TBR ladies they went "WOOOOO!" Oh yeah, I get the Praxis recognition of excellence for high scores.

David's parents are coming into town today to have tons of Liziana fun. If it doesn't rain, I want to go on a swamp tour.

David and I called Ash on the phone yesterday to see about the chicken pox, and he said to David, and I quote "When I'm big, like 16, I want to be artisting all the time." He also asked if we had lions and crocodiles in Louisiana and wanted to know if I had grown the pumpkins that were in the pumpkin cookies I sent him.

I'm a brunette now. Pictures to come in the near future.


katandkarl said...

sweet news on the prax - niiiiiiiiiiiiice work. :)

Elizabeth Spann said...

YAY, you. Seeeeeeee, I told ya. You should listen to your pal Elizabeth more often. She's very wise.

PS, I am watching Buffy RIGHT NOW. And your pumpkin cookies are amazing.

Christin said...


Leah Billings said...

Woohooo Smarty Pants!! That is a fantastic score.