Monday, May 19, 2008


Okay, so we did it, we bought a wii. I couldn't hold out any longer. I know it's kind of a frivolous purchase, but we had a blast with it yesterday and should have for many days to come. This also is a very powerful incentive for coming to visit us.

In other news, I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to peanuts. I've been eating peanut butter a lot lately, and it's something I used to never eat. I kept getting these uber-stomach aches. I looked it up online and apparently your throat does not have to close up if you're allergic, you stomach might just beat you up from the inside. Peanuts are now on my no-no list. Except for the Charlie Brown ones.

I start teaching next Tuesday, wish me luck. Ashur has the chicken pox. My parents and Christy are in Venice. This made me super-happy on the way to work this morning, check it out you nay sayers:


Christin said...

i'm so glad you heard the buffy piece on npr! i totally thought of you this morning and was planning on sending the link your way if you hadn't already heard it. good luck with school!!!

Elizabeth Spann said...

I can't freaking believe you bought a Wii. You have no idea how jealous I am.
Do you have Guitar Hero? That's the deal-breaker for a visit. ;) Jeremy and I are slightly obsessed. Ha, ha. MISS YOU.