Saturday, May 31, 2008

My first week of school

Okay....I'm aloud to breath now. My first week of summer school was pretty hectic. I might as well be back in school, and I should come to terms with the fact that I will probably be in school forever. My schedule so far starts with summer school at 7:30, teacher training from 2:30 until 4:30 and then usually studying, doing homework, making lesson plans, and reading teacher stuff until about 11. I came home yesterday afternoon and slept for 2 hours. I like it; it's just a lot of stuff crammed into 5 weeks. I also need to begin counting my weight watcher points Teachers tend to have free donuts and cookies everywhere, which I totally succumb to.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Spann said...

They really really do. Avoid the lounge. ;)
I'm so proud of you! I love your first day of school pic. It makes me happy. Congrats, love. Sorry we haven't been able to talk!!