Friday, May 04, 2007

A Happy Birthday was had

Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, it was a great one. My parents came down last weekend and my mom made me an amazing German Chocolate cake. Joy also got me this great carrot cake. I'm headed home on the 13th but I'll be back for the fabulous going away party Elizabeth and Leah are throwing me. If you want to come, it's at 8pm at Leah's house. If you want to come send me an email and I'll forward the invite.


Elizabeth Spann said...

Yay for cake!

Unknown said...

glad to hear your burfday was nice. I know you are going away soon. So I did some research and really think you're going to like it there.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday
i love and miss you
youre incredible
good luck in your adventures
and always remember
watch out for snakes and dont forget to wipe<3
kat hansen your americorps true love

Anonymous said...

Happy late Birthday
miss you and have fun in nepal luck girl....
christina munoz