Saturday, May 19, 2007

culture shock

I bought a brand spankin new camera for my trip and here are some pictures from it. Tonight is Elizabeth and Leah's very sweet "Namaste Chandle" party. It will be great to see everyone. I'm getting nervous and excited about leaving. I've never traveled abroad alone. It's going to be amazing. I'm certain I've forgotten something because my bags are so underweight. I guess AmeriCorps taught me how to pack light "I can only wear the same pair of pants 5 days a week, right, guys?" I've been bad about posting, and I'm anxious for the party so I decided to post, but there's not much to say and this way you get to see sweet Isabella.

P.S. They don't use toilet paper;
I accidentially bought waterproof boots made of a cow god, so Scotch guard and tennis shoes is the next best thing;
It's rude to point your feet at other people;
there is no silverware.


Anonymous said...

no toilet paper - uh, what do they use?

Elizabeth Spann said...

That first picture of you is really good. And Izzy is the cutest. :)
Had a really great time Saturday, and we will MISS YOU. Good luck- I know you will be amazing. Keep in touch. We love you!

Mari said...

Chan-del, have fun with the leech oil and I hope that you have learned your lesson to choose shoes with care! See ya soon.