Friday, January 25, 2008

Brrr, Barks and Boo

So, I keep thinking, you really need to post, Chandle, but then I remember that I don't have much to say. Mostly, I look for jobs on ten different websites and cook and clean. I cooked three meals yesterday and made 2 chocolate pies from scratch.

I haven't gotten ANY callbacks yet on any of the 30 or so jobs I've applied for. I also can't seem to get people to call me back when I leave them voicemails. In lieu of this, I tried to make money taking surveys online and earned like 50 cents. I am also going to deliver flowers on Valentines Day. I might give Plasma, but I have those rollie-pollie veins. If all else fails, I will apply to work at a bookstore. I'm not ashamed. David is taking 18 hours so he's really busy.

Mardi Gras is coming up, but David and I will be headed to Siloam Springs for a reception thrown by my family on February 3rd from 2-4. I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures. I'm bringing a King Cake so stop by and hope to get the baby. This Saturday there is a Doggie Mardi Gras parade, be there or be square.

The Ninth Annual CAAWS Mystic

Krewe of Mutts Mardi Gras Dog Parade

Sunday, January 27th, 1:30PM in Downtown Baton Rouge

Viva Paws Vegas, What Happens in the Kennel

STAYS in the Kennel

The pictures are from last year.

Mardi Gras is CRAZY, apparently there are like these krewes and clans of people who have been throwing balls for like a million years and they all get dressed up like crazy and have weird traditions like begging for a chicken and then chasing it around a yard for gumbo.

Louisiana is turning out to be way colder than expected. It doesn't help that our house has about 100 windows with a killer draft.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Spann said...

This post made me very happy. ;)

Have so much fun and be safe! Take millions of pictures.