Thursday, April 20, 2006

more pictures

1. David's so sad that I'm leaving. This one's at the airport.

2. This is taken in Taylor's Falls, MN, the day before I got sick.

3. This is inside David's latest sculpture, can you tell the only reason I'm concious is the marvel of modern medicine?


Elizabeth Spann said...

Davey looks like HE's about to barfo too.

katandkarl said...

you poor baby. that sounds F-U-N. puking - what a great pasttime for your engagement celebration weekend. haha. well, you know you can marry him when he has seen you vomit all over the place! ;)

congrats on setting a date. i have an arkansas bride issue (magazine) for you.. e said you might be looking at e springs potentially.. has some listings of places in there if you need to make some calls.. or their web is!