Friday, January 05, 2007

Speakers for 2007

Here is the list for Clinton School speakers in the spring. I do not have the dates yet, but they are in order from January to May. You can email, or call 501-683-5232 if you want to go.

Brian Atwood, dean of Humphrey School at University of Minnesota and former director of USAID

Tyra Banks, model, actress and host of The Tyra Banks Show

Helaine Barnett, President of the Legal Services Corporation, a federal nonprofit equal justice organization

Mary Berry, University of Pennsylvania professor and former chair of the United States Civil Rights Commission

Myles Brand, president of the NCAA and past president of Indiana University

President Fernando Cardoso, former President of Brazil

Senator Saxby Chambliss (R, Ga.)

Patrick Cook-Deegan, senior at Brown University and co-founder of the Cycle for Schools project.

Richard Dawkins, Oxford University Professor and best-selling author of The God Delusion

Mauro DeLorenzo, fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank

Alan Dershowitz, Harvard law professor (video conference)

Roger Dow, CEO of Travel Industry Association

Alan Eastham, US ambassador to Malawi

Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D, Ill.), Chair of the 2006 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Sharon Farmer, former White House photographer

Deborah Fiser, dean of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Lori Gates-Schuyler, University of Virginia professor and women’s rights expert

Dan Gediman, NPR’s This I Believe senior producer

Dan Glickman, President and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America

and former secretary of Agriculture

Vartan Gregorian, President of the Carnegie Corporation and past president of Brown University

Senator Chuck Hagel (R, Neb.)

Richard Holbrooke, former US ambassador to the United Nations

Sandra Hubbard, filmmaker of The Lost Year of 1958-59, a documentary on the closing of the Little Rock public high schools following the 1957 integration of Little Rock Central High School

Betsy Jacoway, author of Turn Away Thy Son: Little Rock, the Crisis that Shocked a Nation

Chris Johns, editor of National Geographic magazine

Joel Klein, chancellor of the New York City Public School System

Nick Kotz, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Judgment Days: Lyndon Baines Johnson, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Laws that Changed America

Senator Blanche Lincoln (D, Ark.)

Matt Miller, Fortune Magazine columnist

Cynthia Nance, dean of the University of Arkansas School of Law

John Podesta, President and CEO of the Center for American Progress and former White House chief of staff

John Prendergast, head of the International Crisis Group currently co-authoring a book with actor Don Cheadle, star of Hotel Rwanda

Mayor Luke Ravenstahl, 26-year-old Mayor of Pittsburgh

Wendell Rawls, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and director of the National Center for Public Integrity

Karl Rove, top advisor to President George W. Bush

The Most Rev. Katherine Schori, first female bishop of the United States Episcopal Church

Steve Scully, senior executive producer and political editor for C-Span

Donna Shalala, president of the University of Miami and former secretary of Health and Human Services

Will Shortz, crossword puzzle editor for the New York Times

Jeff Smith, Missouri state senator and subject of the documentary, Can Mr. Smith Still Go to Washington?

Gene Sparling, “In Search of the Ivory Billed Woodpecker”

David Steiner, CEO of Waste Management

Thomas Stewart, editor of the Harvard Business Review

Renee Sotile and Mary Jo Godges, filmmakers of Christa McAuliffe – Reach for the Stars, a film about the teacher who died on the Space Shuttle Challenger

Larry Summers, former Treasury Secretary and past president of Harvard University

David Wilhelm, president of Woodland Venture Management and past chairman of the Democratic National Committee


Elizabeth Spann said...

Tyra Banks, for reals????? :)

Leah Billings said...

What is she going to speak on??

Chandle said...

her non-profit "TYRA" I'm not sure what they do