Sunday, August 28, 2005

Paint, paint, and more paint

Hey Guys,
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Since I got back from Little Rock, I've been painting. That's right, painting. See, the 917 dollars it cost to fix my car wasn't exactly in my budget, so I'm helping my parents paint a house they bought for some cash. I virtually wake up, have a cup of coffee, paint, try to eat healthily, paint, try to eat healthily(see lower picture for food content of the Devor kitchen pantry), paint, go to bed. Really exciting stuff that painting. The church sign on hwy 59 has said nothing at all funny, and I had such high expectations. David is coming to Siloam on Wednesday to also experience the painting bliss and we will be off for Minnesota on Saturday. I will be staying with David at the Franconnia Sculpture park outside of St.Paul/Minneapolis. If you want to see what this is all about here is a link Supposedly, we will be living in a wooden box and David will make art and since I do not make art I will be mowing the lawn, cleaning up the park, etc. I will probably be aiding David in various activities that would seem quite odd to a normal person, ex. "Chandle, can you help me tie this hay into little bundles to attach to a metal hut?" "Chandle, can you mix this glue with concrete pigment and help me slather it on a sheetmetal cockroach?" You know, typical art stuff. I'll be there for three weeks and am sure I'll find the time to post funny-art-commune blog material. Anyway, I need to get back to painting.


Anonymous said...

Nice painting, Chandle. By the way, Leah and I were on our way back from St. Louis, and we saw a "Jesus Got 'R Done" church sign also. Apparently, it's a well known phrase. We were near the Arkansas-Missouri border. Hmmmmm....

Anonymous said...

How old is that profile pic of you? You look really young.

Chandle said...

I took it today actually.

Anonymous said...

I guess you're just getting more beautiful as time goes by then, right? p.s. you dress you like a boy, and you are blanche devereaux

Chandle said...

I love you Cody!!!!