Monday, August 15, 2005

Look ma, no teeth

Hey everyone,
I thought everybody might like to know that dentist visit went well...For once.
As most of you know I've had my fair share of the dentist office this year. I believe I am known in one Conway dentist circle as "the girl with the really bad teeth ." This does not mean bad in appearance, but bad like a kamikaze. My teeth are on a mission, no one can stop them, they will take me out, even if it means certain death. I have spent countless hours in that scary leather recliner, staring at various metal torture devices all with the promise that this will fix the suicidal tooth. Unfortunately, hell-tooth succeeded, leaving me with an inch long space as evidence of it's victory. After 45
minutes of jawcranking, blood splattering dentistry, I now have an inch-long screw embedded in my jaw for attaching an upbeat, peace-loving fake tooth and a weeks supply of pain killers.
Just a reminder kids, don't drink coke or eat skittles, you'll end up like me: a 24 year old redneck with more artificial teeth components than there is artificial flavoring in a mountain dew. Everytime I sip a delicious soda I picture myself in 20 years grinning like the cryptkeeper. With warmonger teeth like mine, there is no sense in giving them sugar as ammunition

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