Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Plan A, B, C

Remember when I wanted to teach special ed and then I tried about 800 other career paths resulting in a comprehensive yet scattered, general resume? Well, I've applied for the Teach Baton Rouge alternative certification program and am taking the Praxis II in April for elementary special education. (If you have a Masters, you don't have to take Praxis I). If I do not get accepted (the deadline is March 3rd and I'm cutting it close), I will take the Praxis I and try to get an emergency placement in Special Ed for the fall, b/c it's such a high needs area and join a program later. After talking with several people, I found out that Special Ed. is such a high needs area, that if I took the Praxis I tomorrow, I could try and get a job next week for the current school year. Right now I'm still at the flower shop and help with the website by making up names for flower arrangments like "spring enchantment" and "Dashing daisies" but in the near future I should be working my tush off teaching in the BR school system. Things are lookin' up.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Spann said...

I am SO proud! I think this is a perfect fit for you, Miss Chandle! Congrats on making a career decision! It's scary and awesome! You're going to be an awesome teacher, I know it. Hoooooray!!!! (overload on exclamation points to show how excited I am)