Sunday, March 11, 2007

Come and get it

So I just saw 300, and I LOVED it. I know it doesn't sound like a movie I should like, or admittedly like, so I'm going to explain.
I am a hippie. I want to change the world. Peace, not war! You know the drill. I'm going to graduate school for it; I believe in it; it's all I hope and dream for. Enough of that, sometimes, just sometimes, I'm bombarded with so much peacemaking and justice and fairness and love that I need some fictional, pure, unadulterated violence. There is something innately satisfying about watching a certified bad ass kill everyone who threatens his or her purpose or even reputation. Despite my sensitive, emo attitude 90% of the time, I occasionally wish I had a super power that allowed me not to cure the world of all disease or poverty, but to instead cut disease and poverty's head off. What is it about Spartans, Buffys, Gladiators, Beatrix Kiddos, John Hartigans, and Dirty Harrys that make us like them? It's there constant ability to defeat every enemy that crosses their paths, and still manage to look cool while doing it. Compromise is hard, tiresome, and according to the aforementioned, a complete waste of time. Maybe sometimes their right. Certain issues call for ultimatums, no take backs, war.........and superpowers


Elizabeth Spann said...

Huh. I'm surprised you liked that movie. Cool, man. Perhaps I will watch it. Did you know the lead is the Phantom of the Opera?

Chandle said...

crazy. I loved sin city too though. Frank Miller is cool

Nick said...

so...i haven't been here in forever...but good timing to see the 300 post. I thought of you recently because I saw a trailer for "the Hills have Eyes 2"!!!! I know how much you loved the first one when we saw it that i couldn't help but wish we could go see number 2 together...which is probably exactly what it will be...NUMBER 2! :P