Saturday, March 27, 2010

trucking along

Baby Cannon is growing bigger everyday. Here are pictures of his little feet and cute face (except for that last skeletor pic). I swear I can already see a Devor nose on that kid.

We went to the doctor on Friday and everything looks good except for one little thing. He has these 2 tiny cysts on his brain called choroid plexus cysts. They are found in about 1 out of every 100 second and third trimester ultrasounds and most doctors agree, found alone, with no other problems, usually mean nothing. Our doctor told us NOT to worry. She is going to check him out again, from head to toe in 4 weeks. I've done a lot of research. Choroid plexus cysts can be an indicator of a usually fatal condition called trisomy 18 and sometimes downs syndrome, but my chances are still low, 1 in 371, which is not very likely. Basically we have a .0026% chance of having a baby with a chromosome problem. I guess the semi-nerve-racking part is that my chances of having a baby with trisomy 18 before the cysts were 1 in 3000. I'm going to take the doctor's advice and not worry (which means staying off the internet).

I broke down and bought a plane ticket to Siloam for Monday for spring break. I can't wait. I haven't been home since Christmas. This will probably be the last trip to Arkansas for awhile seeing as my belly is constantly growing and my back can't seem to handle the car ride.

David is crazy-busy with his thesis show. He has 6 weeks to get everything done including his paper. I'll keep you posted on how things go.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Spann said...

Love you guys. Chandle, stay off the internet and listen to your doctor! Love.