Saturday, December 16, 2006

Too much fun

David is home! We went to a fabulous party at Leah's house. Everyone had a little too much fun, if you know what I mean. I am finished with school, and it's wonderful. Rocky created a Christmas miracle today and opened some presents while I was asleep, all by himself. This prompted me to buy him a "super-tough" toy that ended up being a piece. Click here to see how crappy this toy was


Elizabeth Spann said...

Awww those boys when they get together! Glad to have senor David around again. It's like the old days! Except they're nice now. :)
That's not your hedgehog that he tore up, is it? The one that poots?

katandkarl said...

ahh yes the super tough toys that are not so tough at all.

Leah Billings said...

Mozart is too "high-class" to play with toys so luckily we don't have to deal with that.