Higher calling and self-sacrifice: She is chosen, she doesn't really want to be, but she has to.
Morality: She fights evil, and evil exists
Sense of humor: you have to laugh while saving the world from the apocalypse.
Feminist power: She's a cute blond girl that kicks big bad butt
Resilience: She keeps getting beat up, but she keeps doing it anyway.
Delegation and human resources: Where would Buffy be without her gang?
Her emotions giver her power.
She saved the world a lot, she puts other people's needs ahead of her own
Courage is not the absence of fear, it is doing the right thing in the face of fear (remember when she had to kill Angel, or when she had to jump off that tower to save Dawn? sob, tear)
Victory is complicated- just when you think you've figured it all out and solved every problem your best friend becomes a scary, deadly witch, someone turns into a giant snake, or your friends brings you back from the dead against your will.
Basically, Buffy is awesome. I think we should incorporate her into our leadership class. They said they couldn't find any good examples of girls in leadership anyway :)
Oh, God. I need to watch Buffy. NOW. I shall start borrowing them from you. And you can borrow the one stinky season that I actually own. MISS IT.
Remember when we used to go to Cody's room to watch it every week? What would my last years of college have been without Xander? I shudder to think.
thanks for the listing and the email. and right on in your analysis of buffy. i wasn't a watcher, but i'm all about seeing such parallels in television/movies.
Hey, I just noticed that you need to update your location(in the right hand column). You're not in D.C. anymore lady!
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