Monday, September 18, 2006

For your amusement

So my new, cool friend Jamie says that my blog has been ceasing to amuse her. So here are some things that I find very amusing:

Gator pooped on the floor last week and I took a couple pictures in an effort to embarrass him out of doing it again, as if dogs can be embarrassed, if they could, they probably wouldn't poop right in front of you. Anyway, if you want to see these monstrosities (which you probably do) click HERE FOR POOP, and Here for Gator feeling bad about it.

Last weekend the Clinton School students headed up to Fayetteville to do some really good work, like make a cheerleader pyramid and learn that Jason has a hidden talent better than any talent I could ever imagine. Watch the video

Katie and her eclectic magnets, esspecially the one with the baby orangutans in medical scrubs are hilarious.

Paul Hill and his super lunch box.

The terror level sign at the Flying J in Russelville.

A picture of Ashur holding Jed which is very similar to the Britney Spears almost dropping Sean Preston picture.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

How do you stop injustice?

Hello all. I've been a total slacker when it comes to updating this thing, but I'll give it a quick go. This week I was priviledged to see the famous Dr. Cornel West speak at Philander Smith College in Little Rock. Cornel West has written several books on race in America and is a professor of religion and African American studies at Princeton. He spoke for several hours on a Friday night and I wasn't bored once. It was a profound experience to be surrounded by a group of educated people recognizing that race does indeed matter. The inequalities we experience in this country are inexcusable. Dr. West said that after 9/11 all Americans experienced what it felt like to be violated, subject to random violence, and hated for who they were, but African Americans had been experiencing that all along. Through all this injustice, there was never a black Alkadea, but instead the production of some of the greatest lovers of humanity. In the words of Dr. West himself, “Who wants to be well-adjusted to injustice? What kind of human being do you want to be?” This school is so wonderful, because it provides me with opportunities to question what I know, to open my eyes and look around at the "whole world" and not just what is easy to see. If any of you get a chance, come to some of the lecture series at the school, you might see something new.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Here I am with my friend Bill

I have been so busy. I barely have time to write this between class and listening to James Joseph the former ambassador to South Africa. I went to St Francis county yesterday. It was a 14 hour bus drive: TOO LONG. It was nice. I'm glad we went. The delta is a completely different world, and I really haven't spent any time there. I worked at Francis Allen today and had a blast. I have a huge paper due Friday, but after that I need a drink, so we should go out. Please forgive my inadequate blogging. Gator popped in the floor 3 times, that was the pinnacle of my week, that and talking to the head parks and rec guy in Little Rock about the Big Dam bridge, that's the real name.