Thursday, September 22, 2005

It's the bandaids...And the raspberries, and the running.

I'll begin this post with an apology. Everything at the park this past week was so freakin busy I felt bad using the only computer for posting, when everyone else was actually using it for art...sheesh. I had a busy week. David and I got to spend some quality time together which ultimately made me feel like crap when I had to leave him again. We won't see each other until Christmas, but I'll live .
I found this book about pairing your personality type with your career. Since the law book said that lawyers work 60-80 hours a week and have NO LIVES and the personality-career book said my personality goes with teacher/counselor, I've pretty much decided to stay away from law school all together. If I find that damn law book so annoying, why would I want to spend 3 years in law school? I still don't know what I want to be, but if anyone has any suggestions, have at it.
I found out I'm allergic to raspberries, they make me throw up, and band-aids, they make my fingers swell up, turn white, develop blisters, and feel like they're on fire for 2 hours. Ah, being allergic to everything always makes life such a surprise.
My team leader called from Americorps, and at some point I will be down in the gulf. The limit for disaster relief is 3 weeks so it won't be for too long. The way hurricane Rita is looking, I might be in Houston too. I'm excited about being able to help. I also have to run 3 times a week for basic training. I believe my doctor once said to me "some people aren't made for running." I can take a hint, unfortunately, it's not an option. When I run, I end up looking like a 2 day old giraffe/hunchback with cantaloupes attached to her chest. Not pretty. Maybe I can find a digital video camera and show you what I mean. Regardless ,I'm gonna go "Rocky" on my ass and try to get to a point where at least I am not throwing up after every 1/2 mile.
I'm back in Arkansas for 12 days. I bought my ticket from hotwire, and you buy it before you know what time your plane leaves. Well it left at 6am this morning, and I had to be there an hour early, and Shafer, MN is an hour from the airport, so I was up for the day at 3:30 am. Needless to say, I'm really tired so I'm gonna go to sleep now.
P.S. Ashur watches those Veggietales cartoons, and one is about Larryboy and the rumor weed. He told me today that Larryboy was gonna go find some weed.


Elizabeth Spann said...

Welcome back, Chandle!! I'm glad you're back. I really am going to try to figure out a time when I can come to NWA. I want to see you before you leave forever. :( That's a really fun picture of David. My favorite part of it is that it says "NO" right beside his face. Hee, hee. I will talk to you soon!

Leah Billings said...

Yea! You're back. Any chance you'll make it down here before you leave for D.C.? By the way, that running analogy was hilarious!

Chandle said...

I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it back to central Arkansas. It sucks. I wanted to see you guys again before I left. I'm supposed to be home from Dec. 21-Jan 8th. And I do look like that.

Chandle said...

when I run

Unknown said...

is larry the cucumber? if so, i think he does smoke. have you seen the where is my hairbrush sketch? i mean, cucumbers just don't have hair...
great picture of the david, by the way. glad you had fun.

Anonymous said...

chandle - please consider children's librarian - talk about non profit - and would fit your profile - [love your blog!]

Anonymous said...

I'm just waiting for you to find out that you're allergic to water.

Chandle said...

I am considering librarian. I can't imagine not liking that job. I also am probably allergic to water.