Saturday, September 03, 2005


I leave for Minnesota tomorrow, horray!!!!! What do you pack for an artists commune? Rope sandals, hippie skirts, clothes? David and I have been busy building my nephew a pirate ship bunk bed. That's right you land lubbers, pirates. I like to periodically shout out pirate phrases such as "shiver me timbers" and "Land ho" I'll post a couple of pictures of the ship in it's early form, but we are almost done now. Ashur is over here and taking a nap so I actually have a chance to blog. My car has some vacuum canister clogged, but I'm not too worried about it since I'm leaving it here, and gas cost 1 million dollars a gallon. I bought a plane ticket from Minnesota to Fayetteville for $239, not too bad if you asked me. Americorps NCCC capitol region started a discussion board and people can post stuff about themselves. I went there and in response to a music question said that I try to be a "strict indie kid". This one guy wrote a huge comment about how that was stupid, and I shouldn't limit myself to independent music, and how green day's fans left them when they became mainstream and death cab for cutie and Ramones and blah blah blah. I felt like Jesse has somehow managed to sign up for NCCC and forgot to tell me. I responded with a "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be a music snob." comment. So that's what's happening with me.


Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy Minnesota. It's really nice weather wise this time of year. If you guys have a chance take a trip into Minneappolis...its worth it. Safe Travels!

Chandle said...

Thanks, Leah. The weather channel says highs in the low 70's yipee.

Elizabeth Spann said...

Have fun in MN! Sorry we got cut off on the phone the other day. Give me a call. My world is already darker and sadder without you around! :) Have a good time up there being a dirty hippie. Don't listen to music snobs.