Friday, April 10, 2009

We were totally robbed in that kickball tournament.

The big Louisiana LEAP test is finally over. In May we'll find out if all the tutoring, and all of the hard core teaching paid off. To celebrate the end of the tests, we had a big kickball tourney. Coach let everyone kick (no matter how many outs we got). The regular third grade class got to all kick twice and my tiny class got to kick once. Of course, we lost. Booo for fixed sporting events. I got my hair done today. I went super blonde. It's pretty cute. I head home tomorrow. I haven't been to Siloam since Christmas. It'll be good to see everyone. A big late congrats to Brooke and Trevor who just welcomed little Sadie into this world. She is gorgeous. Since I can't post pictures of my kids, here are some pictures of my fabulouso room displays. I am a self-admitted dork.

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