Sunday, November 12, 2006

My Homework Ate My Life

I am officially a slacker at blogging. Nothing very exciting has happened to me lately. I kinda stay up all night (literally) writing papers and reading. Eleven days until Thanksgiving and 9 until Thanksgiving break! I need some time to finish up all the papers I have due at the end of the year. This weekend is the Slate 60 conference and famous people are supposed to be there. Maybe I'll actually meet some of them. I'm going tonight and tomorrow. A lot of you have been getting on to me for my poor blogging skills, but if you actually enjoyed any of that post you have a higher threshold for boring than I.


Elizabeth Spann said...

Did you meet Oprah??? :)

Chandle said...

She was supposed to be there, but didn't show, surprise, surprise.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you haven't had time to write in awhile. You're doing better than me. It was great seeing you. I'll check in on this blog from time to time...