Some of you may be wondering what I've been up to, since I am the worst blogger ever. Some of you may not, but here goes anyway.
This weekend I worked on a paper that was a mock addendum to a Hope VI grant application that Little Rock recieved. They are tearing down 100 deteriorating units of public housing and replacing them with accesible, affordable, single-family homes. It's a really great idea. I got to write a paper about the renewed mission and vision of the Little Rock Housing Authority as a result of recieveing the Hope VI grant. Here is my fabulous mission statement
The Little Rock Housing Authority is committed to replacing deteriorating public housing with affordable, accessible, safe, energy-efficient, desirable housing in Little Rock, AR, and providing residents with the tools needed to succeed in becoming economically self-sufficient. (Purpose) Through physically tearing down unwanted public housing units, and replacing them with ideal ones, and metaphorically tearing down skill, education, and support barriers, and building up programs that foster self-betterment and community contribution (business), the LRHA provides a new hope and support system for residents who deserve a better life (values).
It's not their real statement or anything. It's just what I think it should be. I get to pretend to be a person that writes mission statements. So fun, it's like Halloween.
Last night Katie and I began painting her new house. We finished both bedrooms, after 4 hours, 2 arby's meals ( I know, gross) and a few Lucero albums later. Elizabeth stopped by after her volleyball game. If you haven't talked to her lately, pat her on the back, she is busting her butt at that school. I am officially the most lousy painter, maybe it was the arbys, maybe it was how late it was, but I managed to spill paint all over myself, butter yellow paint. Anyway, I came home and read a chapter from a book entitled moral philosophy, and two more articles about ethics. My favorite part was when one of the articles mentioned that President Bush said the American people were sacrificing after 9/11 by waiting in longer airport lines. Poor us.
This morning I tried to move some stuff while wearing heels, this is a very bad idea. I attended a lecture given by John Hofmeister, President of the Shell Oil Company's leadership team. It was disheartening. I told him that the crisis in the Middle East and global warming will never be resolved if we keep using oil for fuel, and asked how funding for research for alternative fuel compared to funding for finding more oil. He said they spend 250 million a year on alternative fuel research, that gets a big BOO from me. Tonight Katie and I are painting again. If you want to come over, we will have pizza and PBR. The perfect dinner combination.
Tomorrow I am volunteering at Francis Allen with the most perfect preschoolers ever. Thursday I have a lecture from Robert Goodwin, head of the Points of Light Foundation. Friday I have a lecture from Susan Rice from the Brookings Institution. Then I get on an airplane to go visit David, the only time I'll get to see him in 4 months. I am missing dinner with Senator David Pryor, but it's okay, because I get to have dinner with David Carpenter. I have class in an hour, I haven't eaten anything, and I still need to read like 100 pages. Then we have a student government meeting. I think most of you know how I feel about that. So if you got through this boring post, then you probably know what my life is like. Sorry I'm so bad about updating and keeping in touch. I have a pictures of Katie painting, but I forgot my cord, so I'll post them later.